Bars and clubs in Durango comply with sanitary measures


44 businesses have an authorized patent for the sale of alcoholic beverages until midnight, in which compliance with the restrictions was verified

Bars and restaurants comply with the new Administrative Agreement to close at midnight, there were 44 businesses installed in different parts of the city, which complied with the determination this Friday, informed César Rosales, Director of Inspectors.

They were establishments that have an authorized patent for the sale of alcoholic beverages until midnight, in which compliance with the restrictions of the new Administrative Agreement was verified due to the orange epidemiological traffic light in Durango.

He said that the tours were carried out from the last minutes of Friday until the early hours of this Saturday, supervised in a special surveillance operation.

The tour was extended to the restaurants and negotiations located on the tourist corridor Constitución, Barrio del Calvario, commercial corridor of the Guadiana Boulevard, to end in the bars of the Francisco Villa Boulevard.

In addition to the closure at the established time, the effective use of sanitary protocols was checked, at the same time the same compliance was requested from the owners for the night of this Saturday.

The director recalled that it is a preventive and containment measure that adds to the different efforts that the Municipal Government has strategically outlined to help reduce infections.


The Durango Post