“Pinole Project” A marathon race from Tijuana to Cancun (VIDEO)


In his new stage as an ultramarathoner, Germán Silva is preparing to meet a sporting challenge at 53 years of age by completing more than 6 thousand kilometers on a route that will begin in Tijuana, on November 20, and will culminate in Cancun, on November 21. March 2022.

The only Mexican who has won the New York marathon twice, in 1994 and 1995, an Olympic finalist in that event and the 10,000 meters with two sixth places in Barcelona 92 ​​and Atlanta 96, is hopeful about the Pinole Project, running through the veins of Mexico, where it will navigate impassable roads, high and low temperatures, more than 15 thousand meters of ascent and descent, an average of 40 to 50 kilometers per day, which will begin between 5 and 6 in the morning.

“It’s like a trip back in time to what my parents used to tell me in Tecomate (Veracruz). It is a very dificult challenge, but at the same time it will give me the opportunity to be in contact with nature ”, comments Silva, who with his work group carried out part of the measurement of the route designed in five stages.

May be an image of one or more people, mountain, sky and nature

So far, Germán Silva has measured the routes from Tijuana to Chihuahua, where he passed through four states of the Mexican Republic, marking 34 stages distributed over 1,600 kilometers.

The other route measured was from Real de Catorce, San Luis Potosí to Pico de Orizaba, where they passed through 6 states of the country, identifying 25 stages for a total of 1,200 kilometers.

“I am enthusiastic, I have one year since I began to devise this dream. Project Pinole, is perhaps the most important challenge of my sporting life and I will live it with great pleasure because one of the objectives is to show how beautiful our country is, from its geographical wealth, through the gastronomic, cultural, and tourist plane “, he added.

In this scouting, Germán Silva, along with his work team, where the presence of Isidro Rico stands out, as a strategist, traveled in his 4 x 4 JEEP, through the states of Puebla, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche to finish in Quintana Roo.

May be an image of food, nature and waterfall

“My thing has been running and traveling. This project was planned five years ago and due to different circumstances, it was postponed. When I lived in the Netherlands it struck me that the issues in Mexico were drug trafficking and there was a lot of insecurity. Now I want to show the world that our country has beautiful places, hospitable, hard-working people, and a rich gastronomy.

“I was in various states and towns with a route with a long history of the Revolution in farms, dirt roads, abandoned helmets, people on horseback and carrying merchandise with their typical clothes, the markets, I remembered what my father Agapito told me, who He was a muleteer, ”Silva says excitedly.

The nickname of Pinole from his time as an athlete was due because “it was the atole that my mother gave us in the morning to give us energy” and to endure the long walks to school and the days at the ranch; the pre-Hispanic drink “is the food of my Rarámuri friends, experts in ultra-distances.”

For the long-awaited project, which requires investors, Germán says he is fortunate of the people who have approached him to give him their support, since “the idea is that this triggers a documentary with the slogan that my daughter Zyanya wrote: Let’s connect each I pass with my heart and soul ”, and he already has offers.

Crossing the country through unknown terrain and in some cases lonely in the mountains or mountains, going up and down the Pico de Orizaba, does not scare you. “It is the opportunity that I have in life; I want to dedicate it to my father and my brother Vicente, who died running in 2016 ”, he asserts.

“There are only 2 months left until the start of the Pinole Project. We are going on time and form in terms of planning. It will undoubtedly be a wonderful experience that no one has tried and I get more excited every day that I get closer to the event,” he concluded.



If you want to be a part of this project, be with Germán along his journey and help him accomplish this goal email us at kuira@proyectopinole.com


Would you like your Brand/Company to join Germán on his journey while having exposure to the media? Contact us at kuira@proyectopinole.com and we will create a customized proposal that meets your goals.

TO DONATE PLEASE REFER TO: https://donadora.org/campanas/proyecto-pinole

Source: pulsoslp.com.mx, jornada.com.mx, proyectopinole.com

Mexico Daily Post