What you need to know if you’re traveling to México by car?


Are you planning to travel by car this summer to México? You’ll need to process your permit for the temporary importation of a foreign vehicle if you plan on driving farther than the designated free zone — 12 to 16 miles from the U.S.-México border.

In México, there is a free zone that extends through the states of Baja California, and Baja California Sur, where motorists can travel without a permit.

In Sonora, motorists can also travel freely through the northwest of the state. A permit is needed if driving further south once reaching the town of Empalme.

The State of Quintana Roo is considered a free state

If you plan to travel beyond these zones, it is necessary to obtain a permit.

Both for Mexican citizens living in the U.S., and tourists traveling to México, there are three ways to obtain the permit: in the Banjercito modules at the border; in 11 of the Mexican consulates located in the states of Arizona, California, Illinois, Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico; and online.

This last option, however, despite being promoted as one of the simplest methods, has turned out to be a tedious one for many since the site itself is not accessible to everyone. According to officials, if you do not have an updated device, you could experience some difficulty accessing the site, making it almost impossible to carry out the procedure online.

Although the site to process your permit has been functioning for more than 10 years, the interest in this service has been growing gradually, more so in the last year due to the pandemic.

And more so now that a digital permit is accepted by Mexican authorities, no longer obligating travelers to obtain a physical permit.

Cancelación de permisos de importación temporal de autos | Noticias  Univision | Univision

“Before you had to put a home, apartment, or business address, where once the procedure was approved, the documents were sent by normal mail. Now, the same data is entered, but an email is requested, making the entire process digital,” said Beatríz Cano Flores, the Banjercito official who operates out of the Consulate General of México in Phoenix. Banjercito is the Mexican government entity that grants permits for the importation of foreign vehicles.

However, as with any government procedure, if you choose to process online, it is advisable to do it at least 10 days in advance for two reasons: It takes time for Mexican border officials to review the documentation you’ve submitted, and you could very well not be able to access the site at all, which would require you to prepare for an in-person visit.

Permiso de importación temporal de vehículos

Processing online can be ‘cumbersome’

Mexicans legally residing in the United States typically head back to their hometowns in México using their own vehicles during three important seasons: during the Catholic celebration of Holy Week, summer vacation, and the holiday season — the latter being the busiest.

“In 2019, 575,691 permits were requested at the national level, something that dropped to 408,512 in 2020 during the most active part of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Arizona, approximately 3,000 permits are requested per year, and in 2020 less than 2,000 were requested,” Cano Flores said.

According to Cano Flores, the permit is valid for a period of six months. Paisanos, those who are “legal residents of the United States and citizens who have maintained their Mexican nationality,” can use their permit all at once or in intervals of months or weeks at a time within a year of having obtained it, as long as they do not exceed those 180 days.

Foreigners are granted a six-month permit as well, but this must be used up all at once — they would either have to stay in México for the duration of the permit or cancel it upon their early return to the U.S.

If you try to process the permit in person at any of the consulate general offices in the U.S. or Banjercito offices in México, it should take an average time of six minutes, Cano Flores said. But the entire process has been known to take up to 20 hours or more during the busy travel seasons.

Cómo cancelo un permiso de importación temporal de vehículos?
Nuevo Laredo

It is estimated that with the new digital option, the online process can take less than 10 minutes, allowing at least 10 days before you travel to get approval via email.

“The novelty is that now the information on the importation of vehicles can be shown to the Mexican authority on any electronic device, without having to stick a sticker on the windshield of the car,” said Cano Flores, adding that the applicant can choose to print out the permit, but is not required to.

“The process is easy. Some people complain that the site is low or that they cannot access the website, which often has more to do with the incompatibility of their own operating systems (Android or iOS) that makes it a bit cumbersome,” Cano Flores said.

If you want to process the permit through the site, you will have to try several times since the page sometimes does not respond. Cano Flores recommended trying to access it from multiple devices.

“If someone is having problems accessing the site, the recommendation is to clear ‘cookies’ and ‘cache’ from the browser, since apparently the page was or is undergoing maintenance and causing issues for many,” said Julio Ortiz, director of Lead One, a software consulting company in Phoenix.

Piedras Negras banjercito

Aside from going through these possible workarounds, the only other option is to obtain a permit in person.

However, if you are able to access the site, you will need to fill out the application and submit the required documents online, which the agency will need to verify before approving your permit. Click here to see what documentation is required.

Once the corresponding documentation has been uploaded and verified, Banjercito will send you the temporary importation permit via email, which you must keep with you at all times when driving in México.

How to process in person

The online option didn’t work out? You can always head to a consulate general office or a Banjercito branch once you’ve crossed the border.

If you plan on obtaining your permit in the U.S. at a consulate general office, you must make an appointment through their website. Additionally, be sure to print out the appointment confirmation and carry it with you. No appointment is needed to process at a Banjercito location in Mexican territory.

If you plan on only visiting the state of Sonora, you can choose to obtain the Only Sonora permit, which is less expensive but confines you to state lines. This is the only kind of temporary importation permit that the Consulate General of México in Phoenix processes.

If you wish to travel to other states, you can either make an appointment within the U.S. at other consulate offices — located in California, Texas, and New Mexico, to name a few — or head out to the Banjercito ones upon crossing the U.S.-México border.

Source: azcentral.com

Mexico Daily Post