Labor Party representative Maru Mejía dies of Covid-19


The representative of the Labor Party (PT), Teresa Marú Mejía, died on Tuesday, August 3rd, a victim of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

This was reported by the Technical Secretary of the Commission for Rural, Agricultural, and Food Self-Sufficiency Development and Conservation of the Chamber of Deputies through a circular that he shared with legislators.

After the death, the members of the Political Coordination Board sent their condolences.

“The members of the Board of Directors and the Political Coordination Board of the Chamber of Deputies regret the sensitive death of our colleague María Teresa Marú Mejía, a member of the PT Parliamentary Group,” they shared on the official Twitter account of the Chamber of Deputies.

The death of Maru Mejía joins that of the coordinator of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), René Juárez Cisneros, who lost his life on July 26.

Also to that of Delfino López Aparicio, deputy of Morena, who died on December 20, 2020, as well as the legislator of the Social Encounter Party (PES) Miguel Acundo, who also lost the battle against the coronavirus on September 16, 2020.

Mexican Congress begins extraordinary session with minute of silence

The extraordinary session of the Lower Chamber of Congress began with a minute of silence in memory of the Labor Party (PT) representative, Teresa Marú Mejía, who died this Tuesday afternoon, a victim of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The president of the San Lázaro legislature, Dulce María Sauri, reported on the death.

“It is with sadness that I inform you of the unfortunate death this afternoon of our colleague María Teresa Marú Mejía, a member of the Labor Party parliamentary group, who died due to complications derived from Covid-19,” he announced.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Sauri Riancho sent condolences to friends and family of the Mexican legislator.

“On behalf of this board of directors, our deepest condolences, hoping that they will find prompt resignation. I respectfully request the legislators to stand up to observe a minute of silence in memory of our colleague,” he requested, while the attendees stood up from their seats.

Source: El Universal

Mexico Daily Post