Homage to surfer Óscar Serra in Zicatela, Oaxaca (VIDEO)


Puerto Escondido locals and visitors pay tribute to the foreign surfer who died on Zicatela beach three weeks ago.

The 22-year-old young man of Spanish nationality joins the list of ten other people who have died on the beaches of Oaxaca, the main cause has been drowning.

Rescuers anticipated that in the case of Óscar Serra, it could be a blow that caused death.

To translate video from a foreign language:

Click on the “Settings” icon, select “Subtitles/CC,” and then click “Auto Translate.” A list of languages you can translate into will be displayed. Select “English.”

You’ll see that the subtitles have automatically been translated into English. While everything won’t be translated with 100 percent accuracy, the whole idea is that you can at least get a rough translation so you can easily follow along.

Source: YouTube

The Oaxaca Post