Mexican oysters nutritional properties available for consumption almost all year round


Oyster production in its six varieties has exceeded 11 thousand tons so far this year and 96.2% is for direct human consumption

MEXICO.- The oysters, scallops and clams are accepted by Mexican consumers for its pleasant taste to the palate, appearance, nutritional properties and are available for consumption in the country most of the year.

Through a press release, the National Aquaculture and Fisheries Commission explained that these marine species form large banks in the tidal zones of temperate salty waters, at a depth of more than 30 meters. In Mexico, various types of these mollusks are cultivated such as American, mangrove, Japanese, rock, pleasure and kumamoto oysters.

According to its commercialization, 96.2% is for direct human consumption, 1.13% for indirect consumption, while 2.60% is for industrial use. These species are consumed throughout the country, depending on the closed season of each species.

The rock oyster is a native of the Pacific coasts, from Sinaloa to Chiapas, its name is due to the fact that it is attached to rocks where the waves break. Collected manually by diving, it is available from the beginning of December to the beginning of May.

The cultivation of the pleasure oyster was introduced in Nayarit in the late 1970s and from there it spread to the coast of the Gulf of California and Sinaloa; It is one of the most consumed nationwide and its optimal season runs from December to June.

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The Kumamoto oyster, of Japanese origin, is cultivated particularly in the Gulf of California region and can be found from December to June, while the Japanese are produced along the Gulf of California to Nayarit from December to June.

In addition, Conapesca added that the American oyster comes from cultivated farms in Tabasco and Veracruz, with seasons to eat it from June to August, and from November to March, and the wild oyster is collected mainly in the mangrove area of ​​the Peninsula of Yucatán on the same dates.

Among its nutritional properties, 100 grams of oyster contain an interesting amount of Omega 3 fatty acids and the content of fats, carbohydrates and cholesterol are low. In addition, they are a source of vitamin B12 and minerals, among other benefits.

Mexico Daily Post