Homicide is the most worrisome crime in Mexico says director del Semáforo Delictivo


“In all these crimes, the indicator of greatest concern and relevance is homicide, since we know that it is directly related to drug trafficking executions,” said Santiago Roel, director of the Criminal Stoplight.

At the end of the first semester of the year, the organization Semáforo Delictivo classified 15 states of Mexico in red, among them Zacatecas, Colima, Baja California, Morelos, Sonora, San Luis Potosí, State of Mexico, Chihuahua, among others, since they have the highest rates in crimes such as homicide, kidnapping, extortion, drug dealing and vehicle theft.

States such as Tlaxcala, Quintana Roo, Querétaro, Nayarit, Michoacán, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Coahuila and Baja California Sur were added to the list of states in red, detailed Criminal Traffic Light. “All these states add the highest number of reds in organized crime crimes in the first half of the year,” commented the organization.

“In all these crimes, the indicator of greatest concern and relevance is homicide, since we know that it is directly related to drug trafficking executions, ”commented Santiago Roel, director of the Criminal Stoplight, and explained that 80 percent of homicides in Mexico are due to the black market of drugs. .

Mexico’s annual rate of homicide crime is 28 victims per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest rates in the world, only below El Salvador, Honduras, Venezuela, South Africa, and Brazil. “This is a very specific issue, directly related to a very specific cause that the Federal Government has not wanted to address: the drug market,” said Roel.

On the other hand, socio-family crimes are still reported in red and have risen during the year, the violation is located in a percentage of 33 percent; family violence, at 24 percent; malicious injuries (fights), 12 percent; and femicide with a 4 percent increase. “This is an issue just as worrying as organized crime. We are living one of the most violent years ”, commented the director of the Criminal Stoplight

May stats

“ We have been exploited by the violence that occurs at home, where the aggressors and victims are family members, and many of the victims are minors. There is an urgent need for thorough preventive work on the part of everyone, authorities and society ”, stressed Santiago Roel and called on society not to stay with“ folded arms ”.

Finally, Roel indicated that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has insisted a lot on the social causes of violence; but“His administration has been in charge of hitting private investment, the free market and competition.”

“If you continue to insist on it and, on the other hand, kick the boat on the issue of drug regulation, this six-year term will close as the worst in violence and crime. What starts badly ends badly ”, he concluded.

Source: yoinfluyo.com

Mexico Daily Post