Congress decriminalize abortion in Veracruz


The local Congress of Veracruz approved with 25 votes in favor, in general, and in particular, the decriminalization of abortion up to the twelfth week of gestation:

“Based on the result of the vote, the opinion is declared approved in general and in particular; issue the corresponding decree and turn to the Executive ”. 

With this, it becomes the fourth state of the republic to approve this reform

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Therefore, in Veracruz abortion is legal for five reasons:

  1. When it is the product of a violation
  2. When it’s reckless
  3. When there is danger of death
  4. When the product has malformations
  5. When you were conceived by non-consensual artificial insemination.

With this reform to the Penal Code of Veracruz, the right to sexual and reproductive health is guaranteed for Veracruz women.

Veracruz Daily Post