Thousands without water in Villahermosa, Tabasco


Authorities of the Water and Sanitation System of Villahermosa, Tabasco reported that there are at least 20 thousand people affected by the shortage of water in different parts of Villahermosa, the state capital.

In some areas the shortage is related to failures in the water supply plants, as is the case of the Carrizal Plant, which faulted the catchment equipment, causing the lack of vital liquid for more than a week.

This has left several towns, colonies, and villas in the capital of Tabasco without drinking water, including the Industrial City Villa Las Flores where the water is not reaching.

Likewise, the neighborhoods of Gaviotas Norte y Sur have also reported problems with the water supply, as the plant has suspended service due to damage and repairs to the new pipes they are being installed.

This situation has generated the discontent of Tabasco citizens, who have declared that water is a vital resource for their daily activities.

Source: OEM

Tabasco Post