Restriction of charter buses in Mazatlán’s Golden Zone annoys tourists and drivers


The visitors assured that they do not agree with the new order of the authorities on the closure of the pass to charter trucks through the Golden Zone

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The closure to charter buses through the Golden Zone of Mazatlán causes annoyance to tourists and drivers.

They assure that this measure is not good because even so it causes an agglomeration of people and road chaos.

Alejandro Hernández, driver of the platinum Chihuahua truck, commented that the authorities should at least let them carry people up and down the hotels.

The vehicles were parked on Rafael Buelna Avenue, this caused road chaos, elements of municipal traffic and tourist police guarded the vehicle capacity and pedestrians.

“We understand that they want to support pulmoneros and aurigueros but at least they should let us take and pick up the passengers because this causes many problems, right now it is Sunday but tomorrow, Monday, businesses will not want us here,” said Alejandro Hernández. 

The truck drivers commented that suitcases have been lost because all the tourists get off at the same time and it makes a mess.

They commented that it is better to download them at their hotels because there is more organization.

Visitors also expressed discomfort as some have to spend from the time they arrive on pneumonia and charioteers in order to reach their lodging establishments.

“What the government is doing is wrong, they must treat us well as tourists, I agree that measures are taken and we must abide by them, but this of not letting trucks pass is an abuse, it is said that to keep the healthy distance but here we are agglomerated, “said Juan Antonio Jiménez, a tourist from Coahuila.

Tourists hope that municipal authorities will consider the option of at least letting charters reach the hotels.

They are willing to take the tours and walks with the local carriers.


The Mazatlan Post