Puerto Vallarta tourists do not respect health protocols in tourist area


Despite the fact that there are signs and the same authority of the municipality invites tourists who walk along the boardwalk of Puerto Vallarta with face masks, still these and some locals ignore the recommendation.

In a tour that CPS Noticias and Tribuna de la Bahía made through the center of this city, it was observed that most tourists go to the boardwalk, for example, to take a photo or walk around it but without face masks.

Even the street vendors, whether they are tubas, duritos, or tourism service providers, ask them to always bring their mask on but many do not pay attention, others bring it but badly placed or as an ornament on the wrist of their hands. 

“Sometimes we feel sorry to tell them for fear that they will get angry and do not want to buy from us, but the authority has told us that we must invite them to comply with the protocols but we have already had the situation that they leave angry,” said a seller .

Nor is the healthy distance respected, since they crowd to take their picture on the seahorse where the letters of Puerto Vallarta are. The merchants of the strip are complying and invite tourists to consume in their establishments but ask them that before passing they must bring a mask, take their temperature, and give them antibacterial gel.

On the other hand, some families who attend, the elderly are those who do bring their masks but leave the minors unprotected, since they must also carry this health measure that continues to be mandatory throughout the State.

It is worth mentioning that in the last meeting of the Puerto Vallarta Health Board, it was reported that the Citizen Security Directorate had delivered 2,500 face masks to tourists and residents of the popular neighborhoods, installed filters at different points of the port to invite visitors, citizens, to continue with sanitary measures, and informational posters were placed in public transport. 

In addition, highway agents are aware that those who provide the public transport service always wear their face masks. In addition to this, the campaign “ Still vaccinated, continue with your care ” was intensified, developing different materials in Spanish and English, which are disseminated through various media, public spaces and shared with the business sector.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx

The Guadalajara Post