Gang of thugs uses the “Chinese Headlock” to rob people in Oaxaca (VIDEO)


In the state capital of Oaxaca, near the Central de Abasto of that city, a gang of assailants was detected that subdue their victims with violence to rob them. There are already two detainees.

On July 6, a young man was intercepted by three subjects at the corner of Avenida Ferrocarril and Privada de las Casas, near the Central de Abasto, in the center of the city of Oaxaca. A video recorded the moment when one of these criminals use the Chinese headlock to subdue him and the young man ends fainting and falling unconscious to the ground. The robbers took his wallet with two thousand pesos and his cell phone.

The Municipal Police identified Delfino “N”, alias “El Mojarra”, arrested last Thursday, Jonathan “N” alias “El Gordo”, arrested on Sunday. The third of them, who is seen only from behind in the video, was identified as “El Carpintero” (The Carpenter).” This Tuesday, “El Mojarra” was linked to a trial for the crime of robbery with physical and moral violence.

“El Mojarra has more than 30 arrests, and Jonathan aka “El Gordo” has more than 13 arrests,” said Marcos Fredy Hernández, director of the Municipal Police of the city of Oaxaca.

Last week, tenants blocked the main avenue of the Central de Abasto and demonstrated to demand that the authorities do something to stop the insecurity in the area.

It is not the only band that operates in the Central de Abasto de Oaxaca. The Municipal Public Security Coordination has identified at least five groups dedicated to robbery, extortion, drug dealing, and human trafficking. 

One of these gangs is headed by a woman identified as “La Negra”, with at least 43 members.

Source: Noticieros Televisa

The Oaxaca Post