54 young people get sick from Covid every day in Jalisco


Covid-19 “attacks” an average of 54 young people a day in Jalisco.

According to the Radar Jalisco database, from June 1 to July 6, 1,943 infections have been confirmed from people between 18 and 34 years of age, an average of 54 a day, or two every hour.

And the figures may be higher because the State Government database is not up to date.

On Monday, Governor Enrique Alfaro recognized an increase in Covid-19 cases in the entity, mainly in young people.

“We need to send the message to young people, that’s where we have the age group that is being infected right now,” he said.

According to figures from Radar Jalisco, from March 2020 to July 6, 82 thousand 33 young people between the ages of 18 and 34 were affected by the virus, 35.6 percent of the total.

Of them, 50 thousand 479 were infected last year, 169 infections per day; the rest, 31,554, contracted the disease from January 1 to July 6.

In addition, the Jalisco Health Secretariat (SSJ) reported that on July 5 there were 1,264 active cases in the State, of which more than half were people between 20 and 34 years old.

Anna Bárbara Casillas, the coordinator of Social Development of the state government, reported that this age group has seen a greater number of infections due to the mobility they have.

To try to contain infections in this age group, the Government requested rigor with sanitary measures in bars, clubs, and restaurants.

Hospitals are filled with Covid patients

The third wave is coming. There are already nine public hospitals in Jalisco that are at full capacity in terms of general beds for patients with Covid-19, including the IMSS Clinic 110.

Martha is waiting outside the emergency room to receive information about her brother, Joaquín, who two days ago began with symptoms and was short of breath.

“We brought him in because he couldn’t breathe, we have an oximeter at home and his saturation was 86,” said the woman.

They are not sure where Joaquín acquired the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but they suspect it was at a meeting he attended a little over a week ago, approximately.

The exterior of the emergency room of Hospital 110 looks like it did not in a long time. Dozens of people, including Martha, are waiting for information from their relatives.

In a survey carried out by MURAL with 12 people who were abroad, nine were for coronavirus and the rest for other ailments such as falls or gallbladder pain.

“In March was the last time we saw so many people, it dropped a lot and we had few patients, but now, again, we are saturating,” confirmed a doctor, who requested anonymity.

According to the Information System of the IRAG Network, the IMSS Regional Hospital 110 is saturated in general beds and in intensive care spaces. It is found at 67 percent in places with a fan.

This is the first time, since March, that a hospital is reported as saturated in places for intensive care; According to the IRAG Network, the El Grullo Community Hospital, dependent on the Ministry of Health, does not have spaces for seriously ill patients.

Sandra, who works in a business located in front of the emergency area, reported that for about a week, there has been more movement and arrival of Covid-19 patients.

“They arrive up to five in one morning, there are many young people, the same doctor’s comment that there are more young people,” he said.

According to the IRAG Network, the other hospitals that have saturation in their general beds are Centro Médico de Occidente, Hospital 46 of the IMSS, Fray Antonio Alcalde, and the Regional Military, this in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Guadalajara.

In the interior of the State, the Naval Sanatorium and Clinic 42 of the IMSS, in Puerto Vallarta; Hospital 20 del Seguro Social, in Autlán de Navarro, and Hospital 6, in Ocotlán, are 100 percent.

Source: mural.com.mx

The Guadalajara Post