The “Va por México” coalition called for the annulment of the election in 4 states


The political coalition Goes for Mexico today called for the annulment of the results of the last legislative elections in several states, including three in which Morena, the party of President Andrés Lopez Obrador, won for alleged “interference” by organized crime, among others. irregularities.

In a press conference chaired by the three national leaders of the formations that make up the alliance, the historic National Action Party (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), pointed out alleged irregularities in San Luis Potosí, Michoacán, Campeche and Guerrero.

“We are demanding the nullity of the election and the reinstatement in an extraordinary governor election,” said PRI president Jesús Zambrano, who accused the ruling Morena of “going hand in hand with organized crime in Michoacán.”

The only one of the four states indicated by Va por México in which Morena did not win is San Luis Potosí, in which the candidate for the Greens Ricardo Gallardo won, who was accused of exceeding by seven million pesos (about $ 320,000 ) the limit of authorized campaign expenses.

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 24MAYO2021.- Los dirigentes nacionales del PRI, PAN y PRD, Alejandro Moreno, Marko Cortés y Jesús Zambrano y que a la vez encabezan la alianza Va Por México, firmaron un acuerdo para realizar una alianza legislativa dentro de la Cámara de Diputados y Senadores para hacer un contrapeso al partido Morena dentro de estos recintos. FOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

In the case of Campeche, they affirm that even the “historical principle of separation of Church and State” was violated, since there was “a clear intervention in favor of the Morena candidate and candidates.”

The rest of the accusations include acts of proselytism, modification of electoral records, violation of the chain of custody of electoral packages and the loss of electoral records and programs.

Source: Excelsior

Mexico Daily Post