“El Gran Bajío” the plan of entrepreneurs to attract FDI to the region


In the last 20 years, the panorama of the Bajío region of Mexico has been completely transformed and has become one of the most competitive areas, where automobile manufacturers, aeronautical or agro-industrial companies converge; However, businessmen want to take advantage of the opportunities opened up by the trade war between China and the United States, capture those investments that can migrate to the American continent and become the gear that a North and Latin America unite.

To achieve this objective, they launched the initiative called “El Gran Bajío”, Federico Quinzaños Rojas, explains to Forbes Mexico that the project involves the most competitive and strong entrepreneurs from Querétaro, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, and Michoacán, to help them to have a stronger global position, to be able to connect them strategically, to link them with foreign firms, supply chains, and strategic partners.

“It is a good time to understand these opportunities that the China-United States trade war will bring, where we can capture many companies that generate a better quality of life in these states, we are betting on being the best region in Latin America,” he said in an interview the president and founder of the project.

In fact, he considered that after this war, the United States is going to return many companies from Asia to North America, so today they have to rely on Mexico to be able to replace various processes within the supply chain.

He said, the Bajío can be the best ally in Latin America for the investment of a company because large companies are operating in that region, for example, GE has the largest engineering center in the world, outside the States. United, in Querétaro; PepsiCo’s largest plants are there; Santander has its operation for Latin America, the same as Michelin and Huawei.

“We see that the Bajío can position itself as that leading region, where we function as a link between an operation in Latin America and a strong export, as well as business creation in North America for the next 20 years,” stated Quinzaños Rojas.

In this sense, he explained that in the El Gran Bajío initiative they have a global business agenda with 6 international agencies that have large projects, which are connecting with entrepreneurs so that they have new channels of negotiation and communication with the world.

In addition to a training program with Singularity University to face the changes of new technologies so that they can apply them to their companies; as well as a very strong positioning as a brand; a specific networking articulator by the top entrepreneurs of each entity, innovators, global firms, business executives and startups.

The project was officially launched in 32 countries last March, in addition to undertaking a series of visits in Washington and meeting with the United States Chamber of Commerce, think tanks, former White House officials, Ambassador Esteban Moctezuma, and international agencies to present it. and begin to put together an agenda that they will have in that city.

Federico Quinzaños said that the Bajío has been undergoing 20 years of change where it has managed to host 157 industrial parks, 76 vineyards, consolidated industries such as aeronautics with 90 companies, 800 firms related to the automotive industry, 12 car manufacturers.

In addition, they are the number one exporter of medicines, agribusiness leaders, in addition to the arrival of firms such as Amazon or DHL in the logistics part, they have more than 100 innovation and research centers, more than 250 universities, 100 training centers.

“What is very clear to us about the future of this region is that it has to be sustainable, digital and it has to be competitive. We have to change the chip to the entrepreneurs of the Bajío, which is another new era and we have to go there together”.

For the president of the initiative, currently, the United States and Europe can be much more competitive against China, for example, if they generate a good operation with the Bajío because it will help them produce more efficiently, faster, more strategic.

“It is a good time to understand these opportunities that this China-United States trade war is going to bring, where we can capture many companies that generate a better quality of life in these states.”

Source: Forbes Mexico

The Queretaro Post