AMLO deceptive statements on the Economy and Not incurring Debt verified


By, Deyra Guerrero, Michell García, Melina Barbosa, Karla Velázquez, Leslie Orozco, Debanhi Soto, Emilio Ibarra, David Soto, Julieta Guevara, Ana María Martínez, Erick Trejo, Paola Treviño, Erick Melchor, David Arturo Martínez and Cassandra Alvarado.

Almost a year four months after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that Mexico’s economic indicators were growing, which is partially true, and added that it had not been necessary for his administration to borrow to the country, but this is false.

Although the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has begun to rise so far in 2021 and a significant part of the jobs lost have been recovered, they still do not reach the levels prior to the health contingency, in addition to other concepts such as inflation and the exchange rate have not had a constant positive behavior.

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), during the first quarter of 2021 GDP rose just .8% in real terms and unemployment was .9% higher than the previous year.

The parity between the Mexican currency and the United States has been variable and is around 20 national pesos for each North American currency, while last May inflation increased .20% and the annual variation is 5.89 percent.

Therefore, although there have been improvements in the economy of the Mexican Republic, it is not possible to speak of a general and definitive recovery.

AMLO’s assertion that his government has not contracted debt is one of the most repeated false data by the federal president, as can be confirmed in official World Bank reports and has been recognized by the Ministry of Finance itself.

Mexico has obtained, during the López Obrador administration, and only in the World Bank, 4.855 million dollars in loans requested from the international organization.

In total, there were 14 verifiable phrases that were identified in the speech at the morning press conferences from June 21 to 25, 2021, of which 6 were true, 5 misleading and 3 false.

The issues most addressed by the Executive in its mornings last week were public finances, economy and health.

Download the full verifications from here.

    twoWELLNESS1 True1 False
    3ECONOMY1 True2 Deceptive
   1SAFETY1 True
3HEALTH1 True1 Deceptive1 False

                                                                       Total: 14What do you think?


Mexico Daily Post