AMLO’s government amateurish at best; We will promote his dismissal in 2022 says Coparmex leader


The former Coparmex leader assured that he will participate in the 2022 consultation to promote the removal of President López Obrador.

Considering that the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been harmful to the country, Gustavo de Hoyos, who heads the citizen organization Alternativas por México, will begin to build the route to participate in the consultation to revoke the mandate in 2022.

In an interview with Forbes Mexico, the former leader of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) announced that he will work together with other citizen organizations to demonstrate that President López Obrador has much less support than at the beginning of his government.

“Why shouldn’t President López Obrador finish his term, isn’t three years a short time to make fundamental changes?” He was questioned.

“We think that the management of the economy, the management of the pandemic, but particularly the destruction of institutions and all the decisions that are affecting freedoms and social position are serious enough so that based on a constitutional process it is possible to vote for the secession of the president’s mandate, “he said.

“There is ample evidence that this management is harmful to the country and there is a legal mechanism so that the population can be consulted, we believe that it should be fully exercised.

Gustavo de Hoyos

—Morena won, due to the acceptance that López Obrador still has, in 11 states, how to combat that narrative?

—The process of revocation of mandate will make it possible to measure whether the majority of the population considers that the president’s management is being correct or incorrect, today what we have are surveys, some are not exact, today what we have are disparate results.

According to the most recent survey by the newspaper Reforma on the acceptance of López Obrador, published on June 17, 53% of the citizens of the capital disapprove of the president’s management compared to 42% who endorse it.

According to the newspaper, at the national level and before the electoral day, the approval of the performance of Tabasco in the Presidency is maintained with a support of 63%.

However, for the lawyer, Morena and the president have the first signs of setback, such as losing nine city councils in the capital, control of municipal governments, and seats in the Chamber of Deputies.

“Morena had a setback in Mexico City, in municipal governments; there are signs that it is diminishing ”, he affirmed.

Gustavo de Hoyos

—The president has indicated it as a coup …

—We should review who proposed this, no one, absolutely no one other than the president who presented the initiative and promoted it, we simply as citizens are promoting the realization of an exercise that was approved by all parties, including Morena. You cannot call a coup to exercise a right.

Asked whether the Yes for Mexico organization, which is headed by businessman Claudio X. González, will join the campaign to revoke the mandate, De Hoyos clarified that it is a possibility that will hardly be discussed as well as the incorporation of the PRI for these purposes, PAN and the PRD.

The consultation to revoke the mandate will take place in March 2022 and according to estimates from the National Electoral Institute (INE) will cost 9 billion pesos.

He accuses AMLO of promoting classism

The Coparmex leader assured that the federal president fosters division among Mexicans by entering into a speech that is not typical of a head of state, criticizing, for example, the aspirations of the middle class.

And it is that since last June 7, a day after the federal elections and where Morena lost nine mayoralties in Mexico City, President López Obrador accused that the middle classes allowed themselves to be manipulated by the right.

De Hoyos explained that the questions of the head of the federal Executive promote what he says he wants to eradicate: classism.

He warned that this speech can only lead to violence, which is why a call should be made to the federal president to stop promoting division among Mexicans.

“It seems unfortunate to me that a head of state promotes, in any way and especially explicitly, classism, the class struggle; It seems to me that the only division that a head of state can clarify is that of people who are within the law and those who are outside the law.

“These types of accusations lead to polarization, social hatred and eventually violence,” he said.


Mexico Daily Post