Decriminalization of recreational use of marijuana will be evaluated says AMLO


López Obrador revealed that in the Security Cabinet “there was no consensus” and in the Government, there are different positions. 

When expressing his position on the decriminalization of the recreational use of marijuana, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) indicated that the matter should be well informed and detailed that the impact of this resolution released by the Supreme Court of Justice will be evaluated. of the Nation (SCJN).

“When we arrived at the government, we found this process to legalize or regularize the use of marijuana, we decided to carry out a review in the security cabinet: there was no consensus because there are two views.”

During his press conference, AMLO said that within his government there are different positions on the decriminalization of the recreational use of marijuana and for that reason, it was decided that the National Supreme Court of Justice would decide on the issue.

“It was decided not to intervene and wait for the SCJN to decide because it was up to the Judiciary to decide, so they already made this decision, the ministers of the Court, we are going to analyze the effects on this measure and we are going to follow up.

From the National Palace, the president of Mexico said that the impact of the decriminalization of the recreational use of marijuana will be evaluated and assured that elements are observed to consider that “it is not good for the country, to face the problem of drug addiction and violence, then we would act ”.

AMLO: the impact of the decriminalization of the recreational use of marijuana will be evaluated

AMLO for or against the decriminalization of the recreational use of marijuana?

When questioned about his position on this resolution, AMLO replied that beyond being in favor or against, “it implies supporting the decision, it implies respecting the decision made by the Judiciary, but at the same time, it means collecting the feelings of the people, the points of view of all and see how this measure unfolds. How is it being applied, what effects does the measure have in practice ”.  

“If we see that instead of helping it hurts, then we would propose a change. I would send, according to my faculties, a bill ”.

President López Obrador explained that in a short time the results of the decriminalization of the recreational use of marijuana would begin to be seen.

“If how some argue, it is something that does not harm and that if it can prevent violence because that is the other point of view; Well, we are going to see the result in practice, we have time and then we are going to act ”.


Mexico Daily Post