USD-Peso exchange rate Monday, June 21, 2021


Financial entities established the exchange rate for this day, check it and verify who gives you more per dollar

Mexico.- If you are aware of the movements of the dollar you should not lose detail. Currently it has had some slight changes and the Bank of Mexico announced how the prices will be governed for this Friday, June 21

Financial entities set the exchange rate at 20.5542 pesos and today they buy in dollars at 20.3322 and sell it at 20.7763 pesos; in the week it gains 0.02 0.08%; in the month it rises 0.68 3.41%; in the quarter it earns 0.17 0.84%, and so far, this year it earns? 0.69 3.49%.

During the governments of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico and Joe Biden in the United States, the price of the dollar has also had some variations. 

With Biden it has risen 0.94 4.77%

With AMLO it has increased 0.46 2.31%

So if you are going to buy or sell your greenbacks, first check where they offer you the best price and go to whoever suits you best. If you want to know which bank or finance company gives you more or less pesos per dollar, check the following table. 

Capture: Peso-dollar exchange rate set by financial entities for today, Monday, June 21, in Mexico

Mexico Daily Post