Sargassum navy ship sinks in Playa del Carmen


As of the midday report on Friday, the boat has not yet been sighted.

PLAYA DEL CARMEN.- A vessel of the Mexican Navy incorporated into Operation Sargazo 2021, sank off the coast of Playa del Carmen , apparently due to the bad weather that affected the region in recent days.

If in itself, the fight against the scourge of macro algae has left much to be desired on the part of the Secretary of the Navy, which cannot contain the tremendous volumes of sargassum, now with this loss, they will slow down much more.

No description available.

And it is that caution is requested for the skippers because the sunken barge has not yet been located in the Mexican Caribbean, which was carrying out sargassum collection work on the beach coasts.

According to official sources inside the Harbor Master of Playa del Carmen, the sinking occurred at 9 am last Wednesday and, until the Friday noon report regarding the search by surface and immersion,  they have not yet sighted the boat.


The Cancun Post