National Guard found two kilos of methamphetamine hidden in a wedding dress destined for Spain


At a courier and parcel company in Morelia, Michoacán, members of the National Guard seized more than two kilos of methamphetamine hidden in a wedding dress destined for Spain.

The events were recorded when gents of the National Guard responded to the call of the personnel of the parcel company, who alerted of irregularities inside a package that was reviewed by the X-ray machine.

At least 20 bags of methamphetamine were hidden among the fabric of the wedding dress.

Upon arrival, the national guard officers inspected the cardboard box and located a long white wedding dress, inside which there were several compartments that concealed 20 sealed bags. Approximately more than two kilograms of a granulated and crystalline substance with the characteristics of methamphetamine were detected.

The substance was secured and made available to the Attorney General’s Office in Morelia, where its exact weight will be determined, in addition to continuing with the corresponding investigations.

Source: TV Azteca

Michoacan Post