National Guard arrest traffickers carrying 4.4 kilos of heroin hidden in a car’s battery


National Guard agents arrested three people in Zacatecas who were carrying 4.4 kilos of heroin hidden in the battery of a car.

The seizure occurred in Fresnillo, where the drug traffickers were carrying drugs valued on the black market in the United States at more than 157 thousand dollars.

The National Guard agents stopped the vehicle on the La Chicharrona-Cuencamé highway, as the passengers were not wearing their seat belts, and seemed nervous.

They were ordered to stop to impose the corresponding traffic violation ticket when they realized that the vehicle registered a battery failure.

When conducting a search, they found six packages wrapped in duct tape and aluminum foil that contained more than 4 kilos of heroin.

The driver, his two companions, and the packages were transferred to the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), where the investigation folder was initiated.

Source: El Financiero

Zacatecas Post