Mexican Cannabis Movement publishes Communiqué


20 years of marches

They call on citizens to exercise their rights

No more extensions to Congress

On June 10, the Mexican Cannabis Movement issued a new statement addressed to public opinion, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the Congress of the Union, the federal, state, and municipal executives, and the People of Mexico. The letter recounts what happened last May, a time of activism in which the march for the rights of cannabis users around the world was held.

The statement, whose epigraph reads “the 50th Anniversary of the cunning falconazo. Never again a Mexico that criminalizes its youth! ”, Reports that eleven cities and around eight thousand people participated in these mobilizations in Mexico within the framework of the 20 years of this mobilization, which reached its 21st edition (the first took place in 2001).  

However, “the outrage” that means the omission of the Congress of the Union almost two years after the issuance of the jurisprudence of the Court in which the legislation of the free development of the personality in relation to consumption was mandated and the cultivation of cannabis, the prohibition of which is “unsustainable not only because of the disaster of its results but also because of the unconstitutionality problem it represents.” 

In the open letter, they also point out the absence of cannabis regulation on the agenda of issues of the electoral process that culminated on June 6 with the votes to renew the 500 deputies that make up the representation of the citizenry in the lower house, for which summons the elected legislators to attend “the legislation of the principles of autonomy and privacy established by the Court in its jurisprudence.”

The main appeal of this statement, however, is addressed to those who make use of the plant to exercise, “through direct non-violent action”, their right to the plant and pressure their representatives to legislate a reform that respects and guarantees that right. It also invites you to participate in the political process that involves the design of new laws beyond the simple act of voting.

On the other hand, they request the Court not to grant further extensions, to eliminate THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) from the General Health Law and the Federal Penal Code “in such a way that they can no longer arrest us or extort us for acts associated with our consumption and cultivation without purposes of profit ”, and to issue the declaration of unconstitutionality of the regulations that mark the absolute prohibition of cannabis in Mexico.

The text underlines the need to legislate the four demands that the MCM has been pushing for almost two years (non-profit free cultivation and possession, spaces for consumption and dignified treatment) and closes by calling on federal, state and municipal executives to stop prosecute people “for possession and cultivation of cannabis”, until the reform is enacted.

Coincidentally, that same Thursday, June 10, the SCJN listed for the first time Minister Norma Piña Hernández’s project on the general declaration of unconstitutionality of the five articles that mark the absolute prohibition of marijuana. 


Mexico Daily Post