Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido highway works postponed due to technical and financial problems


Technical, financial and social problems delayed the dates for the inauguration of the superhighways to the Coast and Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

The Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido highway is now scheduled to open in July 2022 and the Oaxaca-Tehuantepec highway in July 2023, when it had been proposed to launch both roads in March 2021.

In March 2020 on his tour of the entity, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that both highway projects, postponed for more than 10 years, would be inaugurated on March 21, 2022, together with the Felipe Ángeles airport; However, due to various situations, the works have been delayed and now the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) has announced new dates to put the communication lines into service.

During the tour of supervision of the works carried out by President López Obrador this weekend, the SCT’s infrastructure undersecretary, Jorge Nuño Lara, announced that the Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido highway registers a total advance of 67 percent.

Executive Project 

The advances in the four sections of the road are: 85 percent in the first section, 18 percent in the two, 34 percent in the three and 91 percent in the four. 

In addition, he stressed that in the El Gavilán section, in San Vicente Coatlán, the branch to Santa Catarina Juquila will be drawn, which will be part of the highway system itself, of which the executive project is already being developed.

He said that around 8,200 million pesos are invested since its inception, more than 10 years ago, until its conclusion. It has a length of 104.3 kilometers.

“In July 2022 the highway will be completed and put into operation. It has been under construction for more than 10 years, it has been a very complex project, but there is good progress, of around 67 percent, and this suggests that it will be concluded in the new term “.

In the case of the Mitla-Tehuantepec super highway, the federal official announced that it has a total length of 169 kilometers and 84.5 kilometers are already in operation and 84.73 kilometers are being built.

“The work was contracted through a Service Provision Project (PPS), where the supplier investor, which in this case is Ideal, a concessionaire of the Carso group, has the responsibility of building, operating, exploiting, conserving, maintaining, modernizing and expand the highway from Mitla to the Tehuantepec II junction ”.

He argued that 12 billion pesos are invested in it and it will be concluded in July 2023.

Source: nvinoticias.com

The Oaxaca Post