Semovi promotes the use of bicycles in the city of Oaxaca


The bicycle is a transport with multiple benefits for the mobility of citizens

  • A tour was carried out to promote its use, led by the owner of the Semovi, Arturo López Sorroza, and the participation of cycling groups and the general public

OAXACA.-  With a bicycle tour, the State Government’s Ministry of Mobility encourages the use of this environment-friendly transport, which improves mobility, as well as the health of Oaxacan users.

This activity, which was carried out within the framework of World Bike Day and was headed by the head of the Semovi, Arturo López Sorroza, had the participation of cycling groups and the general public, who joined the tour and qualified it as a strategy to promote the use of bicycles on a daily basis in urban areas, the agency reported in a statement.

“What we seek is to promote the use of a mode of transport with multiple benefits for mobility in the city, taking into account what is established in the mobility pyramid where people who move by bicycle are a priority along with pedestrians. ”, Indicated López Sorroza.

In this context, he explained that Semovi managed and carried out the executive cycling infrastructure project for the city of Oaxaca, which includes a total of 17.55 kilometers, connecting the four cardinal points of the city.

He explained that this project contemplates the rehabilitation of the infrastructure of the existing bicycle lanes between the city of Oaxaca and the municipality of Santa Lucía del Camino, offering users at least 12 route options with 26.8 kilometers of cycling infrastructure. 

Likewise, as part of the work carried out as a team with the Permanent Commission on Mobility, Communications and Transportation and representatives of civil society, the title “On the promotion and promotion of the use of bicycles” was added to the Mobility Law. in order to encourage sustainable development in the territory, through the adoption of new mobility habits in the transfer of people.

“Our commitment is to offer bicycle users safer and more inclusive streets, we are also working so that citizens choose to use this mode of transport and learn about the economic and health benefits it has,” said the Secretary.

The tour was carried out on the streets Proletariado Mexicano, Emilio Carranza, Calzada de la República, Abasolo, García Vigil and Independencia.

During this activity, there was the road support of the cycling group “GUUPA YO O”, belonging to the Secretariat of Public Security of the State of Oaxaca (SSPO).


The Oaxaca Post