PAN will be the second political force in the Lower Chamber of Congress, after Morena


According to data from the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP), 47.2 million votes were registered during the June 6th election, which meant the participation of 52.67% of the people that make up the country’s nominal list.

In the case of PAN, it won 33 districts, with 3.7 million votes; PRI obtained 11 districts (2.6 million votes), Morena obtained 64 districts (6.3 million votes). Meanwhile, an alliance made up of PAN, PRI, PRD, won a total of 65 districts, while the coalition made up of Morena, PT, and Morena a total of 119 councils.

According to INE estimates, Morena would have between 190 and 203 seats; PAN between 106 and 117; PRI would have between 63 and 75; the PRD, 12 and 21; Verde Ecologista de México, 40 and 48; PT, 35 and 41; and Movimiento Ciudadano between 20 and 27.

Source: INE

Mexico Daily Post