Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, former president of Mexico, reported that he tested positive for Covid-19, as he has mild symptoms, is isolated and at rest.
The former PAN member apologized for not being able to accompany the campaign closings, for which he called to vote on June 6 and “close the way to authoritarianism.”
He is reported with only mild symptoms, and stable.
Les comparto que me hice una prueba #COVID y salió positiva. Por fortuna los síntomas son leves y estoy bien, me encuentro aislado y en reposo. Una disculpa por no poder acompañarlos en sus cierres de campaña. Hay que ir a votar el domingo y cerrarle el paso al autoritarismo.
— Felipe Calderón (@FelipeCalderon) June 2, 2021
On Friday, Calderón called on his followers to vote on June 6 for the opposition coalition Va por México against the project of the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to choose “democracy” instead of “dictatorship”.
Source: Excelsior