he distance between the cities of Querétaro and Tampico is about 595 kilometers.
The bidding for the road that will connect with El Bajío will begin, reveals the Tamaulipas secretary of tourism, Fernando Olivera Rocha. They work alliances with states in the region
The state of Tamaulipas will begin with the tender for a highway that will allow it to connect with El Bajío, confirmed the secretary of tourism of said entity, Fernando Olivera Rocha.
The highway will connect Querétaro with the main beaches of Tamaulipas, which will reduce the transfer time to four hours. In this way, tourism between the two entities will be encouraged as well as the commercial relationship and that the goods that the Bajío exports can cross through Tamaulipas, he said.

“The government (of Tamaulipas) is initiating a public-private alliance of a very important highway to connect the Bajío with the Gulf of Mexico. The Tula-Ocampo-Mante highway passes under the Sierra Madre, where a two-kilometer tunnel will cut the road to reach the beach of the Gulf of Mexico and have Miramar beach as the closest to Querétaro, “said Olivera.
He said the tender will be held soon and construction of the highway is expected to begin in a couple of years. The initial estimated cost is 8 billion pesos.

The connection between the entity and El Bajío will allow the transfer of goods in an agile way to facilitate their export.
“We can bring Altamira, a high-altitude port, closer to, and also the export of all the aerospace, automotive and other plants that we have in El Bajío. This highway will be important for the tourist and commercial activity and to continue twinning these states ”.
He indicated that the Secretary of Economic Development of Tamaulipas has already held meetings with his equivalents from various states that make up the Central-Bajío-Occidente Alliance in order to generate trade agreements.

“The economic development alliances are already working with our Secretary of Economic Development with his peers from San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Guanajuato, and Aguascalientes.
“At the cargo level, we know that the 46 percent that is exported by land between Mexico and the United States, crosses the 18 bridges of Tamaulipas. It is going to allow what leaves the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic by boat to be in Altamira. It is an opportunity for the Bajío Center to have less costs and time ”.