Powder warehouse explodes in Sanctórum, Tlaxcala leaving 6 dead and 3 injured


The explosion of a powder warehouse on the afternoon of this Tuesday, May 25 in the municipality of Sanctórum has left six dead and three seriously injured people as a preliminary balance, who worked in a warehouse dedicated to the production of firecrackers.

Firefighters arrived on site and took on the task of controlling the fire in the building where the explosion occurred, the causes of which have not been determined so far.

Firefighters working in the area confirmed that there were human remains in the place, so once the fire was controlled the place was cordoned off and the experts and personnel of the State Attorney General’s Office initiated the corresponding investigations to determine the number of casualties (which came up to 6).

The warehouse was located at the entrance to the municipality of Sanctórum and was used to store gunpowder and pyrotechnic fires.

The injured people were transferred to different hospitals of the state to receive medical attention.

Source: E-Tlaxcala

Tlaxcala Post