Canatlán Durango fruit growers prepare anti-hail nets awaiting rains


Apple producers from the municipality of Canatlán, place the mesh on the tree to prevent accidents that affect quality and production

CANATLÁN, Durango.- Apple producers from the municipality of Canatlán, Durango, who have the privilege of having anti-hail mesh, are preparing for the upcoming rainy season, placing it on the tree to prevent accidents that affect quality and production.

One of them is Alfonso García Soto, president of the Apple Product System in the state of Durango, who mentioned that every year “hail is stronger, derived from climate change, which has caused this incident to be more recurrent.”

Wide connoisseur of the local apple fruit issue, he stressed that traditionally there was an area where the fall of hail was expected year after year, a strip that included areas of J. Guadalupe Aguilera, San José de Gracia, and Nogales, where this phenomenon was more recurrent climatological, but with the arrival of the change, this unpleasant situation also extended to the Canatlán ejido and Santa Cruz de las Huertas.

The interviewee pointed out that a good year is looming in terms of production, “yes there is apples on the trees and what follows is to take care of the fruit and thus hope that the fruit-growing year comes out, with the pomegranate in good condition, hence the importance of to guard against the arrival of the hail “.

He added that the sad thing is that there is not much surface area that has the mesh structure to prevent it, “in case it will be 60 hectares in the area and there are even fewer that have equipment that really allows them to be placed on the tree without any setbacks, he adds, making it clear that it is a very expensive team, “he said.

He also pointed out that talking about placing an adequate mesh structure is referring to a project that can have a cost of 350 thousand pesos per hectare, which is the cheapest, something totally out of the reality of fruit growers in general, said García Soto.

“It is practically impossible for the producer, we are small producers and also with a very difficult scenario with regard to government programs, which are now null,” he concluded.


The Durango Post