The ‘Covid passport’ begins to operate: what it is and how to obtain it


The document contains a digitally signed QR code.

The European Parliament and its Council reached an agreement for the creation of the European health certificate, cataloged as ‘covid passport’ or ‘covid certificate’.

According to the legislative body, the document will facilitate travel within the European Union, even when the coronavirus pandemic is still present in much of the world.

What is the new ‘passport’?

It is a document that certifies that a traveler has been vaccinated against the coronavirus, has antibodies, or has a negative diagnostic test.

The certificate will come into effect on July 1, it will be multilingual, free and citizens will be able to choose between the physical or digital format.

The document contains a digitally signed QR code.

The EU Covid Certificate “fully respects the fundamental rights of citizens, including the protection of personal data,” said the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

Travel Pass, an application or “digital passport” of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), will operate in Mexico, reported a Mexican newspaper with national circulation.

Where can you travel?

The ‘covid passport’ will be valid in all member states of the European Union and will also be accepted in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

The EU assured that this document will have a temporary validity and will only be in force for 12 months.

What about PCRs?

According to the European legislative body, negative PCRs will remain a prerequisite for those not immunized against coronavirus. Currently, each country has its own prices, which can be very different.


Mexico Daily Post