Mazatlan’s Pesca Azteca invites you to maintain a cleaner Planet


Mazatlán, Sinaloa

  • Pesca Azteca collaborators and families carry out beach cleaning.
  • With the participation of more than 40 volunteers, they collected 552 cigarette butts, 3 kg of PET, 5 kg of glass, 36 bottle caps, 21 caps, and 30 kg of general garbage, among which Styrofoam and disposable items stand out.

Armed with bags, gloves, and a strong sense of purpose, Pesca Azteca employees and their families, together with Operadora y Administradora de Playas (OAP), carried out a clean-up day in Playa Norte.

With the participation of more than 40 volunteers, they were able to collect 552 cigarette butts, 3 kg of PET, 5 kg of glass, 36 bottle caps, 21 caps, and 30 kg of general garbage, among which Styrofoam and disposables stand out.

Together with the effort to keep the beaches clean, talks are given so that children and young people can understand the problems that are experienced in reference to the pollution of the sea and the consequences faced by the animals that inhabit it.

“Although there are containers for bathers to deposit the garbage in place, they do not adhere to these regulations. Cleaning can be a shock treatment, but it must be accompanied by an educational or follow-up action, ”said Eunice Arredondo, OAP’s Sustainability Manager.

Since 2014, the year in which Pesca Azteca adheres to the UN Global Compact, they are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals, having clear goals that fulfill this purpose.

At Pesca Azteca, caring for the environment is so important that they describe it as a value and believe that it is an action that should be instilled in people from their childhood since it constitutes a vital prevention mechanism for everyone.

The Mazatlan Post