Atizapan serial killer transferred to another prison after attempt


Mexico City, (May 25, 2021) .- Andrés “N”, the presumed 72-year-old serial femicide detained in the municipality of Atizapán, State of Mexico, was transferred to the Tenango del Valle prison, as inmates from the Barrientos Penintenciary tried to murder him, according to the lawyer for the family of his latest victim, Sergio Baltazar.

“He had, apparently, suffered an attack, I think they wanted to kill the man inside that prison. The necessary security measures were not in place, so the director today requested a hearing so that he could be transferred to another preventive center. Many inmates found out and wanted to attempt against his life, “said Baltazar, who represents the 34-year-old family of Reyna González, during an interview with Milenio Televisión.

The Secretary of Security of the State of Mexico confirmed that due to security measures, the subject was taken from Barrientos to Tenango.

Sources: EFE / SinEmbargo

Mexico Daily Post