Oaxacan young girl from the ikoots ethnic group among 95 detained in Chiapas


The Sol Rojo collective on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec demanded the release of the young Míriam Gabriela Cabrera Álvarez, an ikoots student at the Mactumactzá Rural Normal School in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, and originally from San Francisco del Mar.

Juchitán de Zaragoza. – The Sol Rojo collective on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec demanded the release of the young Míriam Gabriela Cabrera Álvarez, an ikoots student at the Mactumactzá Rural Normal School in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, and originally from San Francisco del Mar.

The young woman is one of the 95 students arrested in the operation carried out by the Chiapas state police on May 18 during a demonstration at the toll booth on the Chiapas de Corso-San Cristóbal de las Casas highway.

The young ikoots was together with more than 250 of her classmates, who demanded that the educational authorities take the exams in person and not virtual, due to the lack of connectivity in her communities.

ikoots women in San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca (Photo: Imparcial de Oaxaca)

The detainees received preventive detention by a judge, as they were linked to proceedings for their alleged participation in the crimes of riot, gang activity, robbery with violence, attacks against the peace, and the bodily and patrimonial integrity of the community and the state, and damages.

Currently, the 95 Mactumactzá students, 74 women, and 19 men are held in El Amate prison number 14 in Cintalapa until the hearing scheduled for May 25.

Eliot Escobar, one of the leaders of Sol Rojo en el Istmo, joined the demand that was launched on social networks for the release of the young woman from San Francisco del Mar, arguing that the lack of opportunities led the young woman to the state neighbor to continue with his studies with many efforts; while his demand was “just and necessary.”

It is because of these events that the Oaxaca normalistas took to the streets again last Thursday in a march through the capital that left three people injured, including a journalist and a police officer.

Source: El Universal

The Oaxaca Post