The brother of the Morena candidate for mayor of Dzidzantún, Yucatan arrested for illegal hunting


Dzidzantún, Yucatán (May 15, 2021) .- Manuel Jimenez, brother of the candidate for mayor of Dzidzantún, Tomás Jiménez, was arrested yesterday along with three other illegal hunters from Mérida who on May 9, 2020, were “expelled” from this municipality when they tried to cross a sanitary filter to hunt deer.

The events occurred in the first minutes of Friday, May 14th, after local police received an anonymous report of a raid near the agricultural unit “Valdez” and in which the detained, aboard a Volkswagen Combi license plate YWK-556-C, were carrying four heavy-caliber rifles one of them with a telescopic sight.

The Municipal Police, in coordination with state agents, located the illegal hunters, who said they were from Mérida, Yucatan.

The individuals were arrested and transferred to Mérida along with the weapons and the vehicle that were confiscated and made available to the federal authorities for the crime of illegal hunting of endangered species.

Source: Reporteros Hoy

The Yucatan Post