Mexico HOT SALE, nine days of “bargains” in online stores of brands such as Guess, Hugo Boss, Coach, Forever 21, LG, Liverpool


The most anticipated event for online shopping lovers is coming to Mexico

Hot Sale is the annual event of the eCommerce industry where companies offer their best discounts, in turn, it allows to promote and publicize their e-commerce channels.

If you are Mexican and you are a lover of online purchases, from 00:00 hours on Sunday, May 23 until 23:59 hours on the 31st of the same month; you can take advantage of promotions and discounts by brands of different products and services.

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Yes, you read it right, nine days of “bargains”, in online stores of brands such as Guess, Hugo Boss, Coach, Forever 21, LG, Liverpool, Innovasport, Lenovo, AT&T, Victoria Secret, etc.

According to the Report of Expectations of Purchase Hot Sale 2021, of the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO), creator of this campaign, it is expected that 23% of consumers will spend up to 5,000 pesos, and 20% will disburse more than 10 thousand pesos.

The goal for 2021 is to exceed 20 billion pesos in sales in 2020, as a result of the marketing of 29.1 million items sold.

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