The great drought in Durango, a climate catastrophe that seems imminent


Due to the drought in the remote towns of Durango, the National Water Commission (Conagua) through the Central North Basin Agency, ensures that there is a whole protocol of strategy, infrastructure and human team to serve rural populations in cases very necessary in order to guarantee water, especially for human consumption.

However, as long as it was specified, the municipality makes an administrative request in writing and, once assessed in Mexico City, it determines whether or not its authorization is viable.

In response to a request for information signed by Jorge Meave Galván, technical director of the OCCN, the federal agency makes it clear that the National Fund for Natural Disasters (Fonden) has not disappeared and that it remains in force as an inter-institutional mechanism to execute and apply resources to mitigate the effects produced by a disturbing phenomenon such as drought within the framework of the National Civil Protection System.

Tiger bones on the soil are dry from drought, global warming.

He specified that the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit reviews various alternatives to expand financial ceilings aimed at mitigating the damage that may occur in future events such as drought in the state hydraulic infrastructure (drinking water) and federal hydraulic (hydro-agricultural infrastructure) sectors and emphasized that at this time, the economic resources to deal with the damage caused by this drought have not been authorized.

Source: Milenio

The Durango Post