Alamos Pueblo Magico, the perfect destination for a romantic getaway in Sonora


The town of Álamos is one of the Pueblos Mágicos in the state of Sonora, and it is the perfect destination for a romantic getaway.

Julio César Rascón Torres, president of the Sonoran Association of Tour Operators, Tourist Guides and Hosts, explained that in 2021, the Álamos Romantic Tour has been launched, where the colonial infrastructure and mysticism of this beatiful magic town captivates national and international visitors.

It is a romantic tour with a capacity of eight to 12 people through the colonial Magic Town of Alamos, “he pointed out.

This tour includes visits to some points of Ciudad Obregón, Navojoa, and of course the main destination Álamos, the tour has been conceived for tourists, but local people who wish to live the experience are welcome too.

“Most of the tourists that visit Álamos come from Mexico City, Guadalajara, and other Mexican cities from the center and south of the country. Alamos is also promoting the María Félix Tour, which is that people come to Álamos to live the experience in the hotel house and Museum of María Félix “, Rascón Torres concluded.

Source: OEM

The Sonora Post