Masons of Mazatlán celebrate 100 years


In an event that was headed by their main leaders, they made known the work in favor of society that they carry out without requesting anything in return; they maintain hospitals that treat severe burns of children

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Being a school of moral philosophy that trains free men and of good customs, is the mission of the Masonic lodge Mazatlán number 37, which this Wednesday, May 5, completed 100 years of uninterrupted work since its foundation, he explained Pablo Alfonso Aguilar Calderón, vigilant grandmaster and head of the lodge in the port. 

He reported that they seek to approach the perfection of man through the knowledge and study of philanthropy, believers of a God who does not follow a particular dogma, although they are governed by being people who try to have excellent behavior with their family, the architect of the universe, their country, as well as with society, which they help without receiving anything in return.

“It has been 100 years of uninterrupted work, which was created by the engineer Manuel Bonilla, a character of great importance at the national level and the right hand of President Francisco I. Madero. We see it from the position that it is a school, it is a school of moral philosophy that encourages the practice of philanthropy in the city and is also part of the Shriner’s International organization ”. 

He specified that not everyone can be part of this Masonic lodge, since they must have a history that supports their social work as people, humanists, and good behavior with citizens, among other things. 

At the event, its members highlighted that this discrete selective group of people in Sinaloa and Mexico are the ones who maintain Shriner’s hospitals in the world, which treat children with serious burns and orthopedic problems, as well as perform social events that have to do with bringing food to the sick, toys or pantries to low-income children, and so on.  

In addition to other social activities that do not presume until this day that they decided to make known to the citizens the contributions they make as a society because due to the false rumors and persecutions they received in the past, they believe it necessary to address the population to clarify the work they have in the world. 

They reaffirmed their philanthropic base. José Alfonso Aguilar Calderón, Post-Master of the organization called the general population that requires specialized health services for children from 0 to 18 years of age, in particular for those who suffer from burns, cleft lip, cleft palate, and orthopedic problems to approach.

For this, it made available the website, or on Facebook Mazatlán37, as they are in turn part of the Club Shriners del Sur de Sinaloa AC, which helps children in these conditions free of charge through Shriners Hospitals in the United States, Mexico and Canada.

The group assures that it will keep meeting in its temple located in the Center of the city, every Monday night, open to new entries, previous interviews, and verification of the recognized moral quality of the applicants.



The Mazatlan Post