San Cristóbal de las Casas, Cirkolalval Fest festival


Everything will started at 4 in the afternoon with a clown show, to delight the little ones

San Cristóbal de Las Casas.- This April 30, Children’s Day, the Coordination of the House of Culture of this city, will carry out the Cirkolalval Fest festival in the theater “Daniel Zebadúa”, with the participation of the companies Circo Tlachco y Fobos y Deimos, by Daniela Luna and Jerónimo Rabell.

In this regard, the person in charge of the Coordination, Leo Hernández, said that the event will be attended by local artists and various theater companies, among other guests, “it is a good opportunity for artists from the city to show their work and we hope that the shows are to the liking of the whole family ”.

In the theater “Daniel Zebadúa” the festival Cirkolalval Fest, with the participation of various theater companies.

For her part, Daniela Luna said that she will participate in a comedy that talks about the environment and everything will begin at 4 in the afternoon with a clown show, “art is something that we must share among all and I hope that many families can go ”.

Meanwhile, Jerónimo Rabell said that his show is inherited from his father, he has been performing for years, “we are going to distribute the tickets for free one hour before each event, at 6 is the comedy and at 8 a circus show.”

Finally, he said that the promotion of art is not only the responsibility of the institutions but that the artists must create spaces and collaborate with the institutions so that culture can be brought closer to society, “I want to thank Leo for coordinating the event. Everything has been very fluid, we are making great ties between the institution and local artists ”.


San Cristobal Post