Mexico’s economy declines while China and the US show ample growth


Economies of other countries recover, while Mexico declines

According to the Central Bank of Mexico, it is estimated that during the first three months of this year the country’s economy obtained zero growth. Even in March there was a fall in the economy of 5.1% compared to February.

That means 4% more than what the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) was expecting. On the other hand, the economy in other parts of the world seems to be recovering: according to the economist, world GDP will grow 6% this year and the United States and China are in full recovery.

According to the aforementioned media: “The world economy will achieve a 6% expansion in 2021, supported by the strength of the United States and China, the International Monetary Fund anticipated.”

Likewise, the World Economic Outlook has projected growth of 6.4% for the United States, which is much better than what the same country had projected in January. In the same way, another of the great powers, China, foresees a growth of 8.4% and it is believed that they will manage to stabilize the GDP for the following year. Even in the first quarter, it has achieved a growth of 18.3% of its gross domestic product.


Mexico Daily Post