Construction obstructs view at Cerro de los Remedios viewpoint; cause controversy in Durango


The Durango City Council reported that the construction of the house has all the regulations and opinions of the INHA.

The construction of a house in the ‘Los remedios’ subdivision caused disagreement due to the obstruction of the view at the viewpoint located in the upper part of Cerro de los Remedios. The Durango City Council reported that it has all the regulations and opinions of the INHA .

Given the significance that originated a publication on social networks denouncing the construction of a two-story house in the upper part of Cerro los Remedios, the City Council reported that said construction has all the permits and opinions that are required to build any type of building.

Alberto Pérez, director of Urban Development, explained that they spoke with the owners who, having the permits, can build without problems, nor can the dimensions of their home be limited.

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The official said that there are only 3 meters that protrude from the limits with the viewpoint, so the percentage that “is affected” is minimal.

For this reason, the municipal colleges of architects work so that the necessary comments are provided and that they desist from this type of signaling, so Alma Ortega Mercado, a member of the Valle del Guadiana College of Architects, explained that there are working tables to guide and advise those who have doubts about the construction of properties.



The Durango Post