Tabasco State Police officers sexually harass young girls in the middle of the street


A young woman from Villahermosa, Tabasco, denounced on social networks that she was harassed by state police while she was walking in the street with her friends on Sunday, April 11th.

Fernanda López explained that she was walking with her friends near Tomás Garrido Park when a state police patrol approached them and began to follow them at low speed.

The girl stated that she did not pay attention to what the policemen were saying and continued walking, but when they were near the municipal palace the agents spoke to them from the patrol car to ask for their telephone number and to ask where they were going.

In one of the videos that she shared on her Instagram and Facebook accounts, officers are heard saying from the patrol car’s speaker “give me your number.” In another one, the agents are observed driving slowly alongside the girls while one of the state police officers addresses the young girls and says: “Where are they going? I’ll take you”.

In another of the videos, one of the young women is heard responding to the uniformed officers: “Why have you been following us? Isn’t it your job to take care of people? Stop harassing girls ”.

“They kept asking us where we were going and if they could take us there, just like we would give them our number, they were whistling at us,” wrote Fernanda, who also explained that the patrol had the number 72761 and plates TB-654A-1.

“It is not the first time that a patrol car follows me and my friends,” she denounced.

For his part, the head of the Tabasco Secretariat for Citizen Security and Protection, Hernán Bermúdez Requena, assured that the case “will be thoroughly investigated and justice will be made”, after he received this morning one of the young girls (a minor) who came in the company of her mother to report the events.

The official commented that “they will act in accordance with the law to guarantee that there is no impunity” and stated that “the officers that betray the trust of the population do not deserve to be in the corporation.

He also assured that training on gender perspective and human rights will be strengthened, since respect and care for women is a priority for the police institution.

Source: Proceso

Tabasco Post