Did you know that … Colombians now occupy 2nd place in foreign tourism in Mexico


27,482 people from Colombia arrived in the country during the first two months of the year.

In January and February of this year, more Colombians than Canadians arrived in Mexico by air to vacation, a phenomenon that had not been seen before in national tourism.

In the first two months of the year, 27 thousand 482 travelers from Colombia arrived in Mexico, which allowed the ‘coffee-growing country to be the second most important for international tourism in Mexico, according to the Migration Policy Unit of the Secretariat of the Interior.

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The arrival of Colombians to second place as the largest emitter of tourists to Mexican destinations also has to do with the closure made by Canada, which decided to suspend its connectivity with Mexico and with some Caribbean countries to avoid an increase in infections.

Brazil, for its part, was placed in the first two months as the third most important market for international tourism that arrived in the country by air, and Canada as the fourth.

According to the Center for Research and Tourism Competitiveness (Cicotur) of the Anáhuac University, in the first two months, the decline in the arrival of international tourists to Mexico was accentuated, so that the recovery may recover its level until the second half of the year.

“The US market maintains its leading role and in the unprecedented situation, Colombia displaces Canada as the second most important market,” explained the organization led by Francisco Madrid.

Despite the closure and restrictions for Argentine travelers, the South American nation was the fifth-largest emitter of tourists to Mexico in the first two months, with 21,130 travelers, followed by Chile with 19,487 tourists and Venezuela, with 19,115 tourists.

In sum, Mexico received one million 154 thousand 496 tourists by air in the first two months of the year, a drop of almost 67 percent compared to the same period last year.

Source: elfinanciero.com.mx

Mexico Daily Post