Citizens boo Michoacan governor Silvano Aureoles for attacking a protester (VIDEO)


Silvano Aureoles, governor of the state of Michoacán, was upset because a person demonstrated to ask him to dare to travel the state by land and not by helicopter.

The video shows Governor Silvano Aureoles, during his visit to Aguililla, Michoacán, getting out of a military car.

Along with the politician, some members of his security team descended from the unit, who accompanied the PRD militant in the intimidation action against the citizen.

According to eyewitness reports, the protester was a  professor  belonging to the National Coordinator of Education Workers ( CNTE ), who by means of banners asked the politician to leave the comfort of the helicopter and dare to travel the dangerous state through the roads.

Silvano Aureoles did not hesitate to push the subject, even his assistants snatched some banners from the man. Those present at the site decided to boo the governor of Michoacán, who had no choice but to return to the car under the protection of the military and get out of there.

Source: Radio Formula

Michoacan Post