Industrial parks boost the manufacturing diversity in Mexico


In recent years, industrial growth in Mexico has benefited from various factors, one of them is the expansion to all 32 states of the Republic, which allows expanding operating processes and diversifying the market into new regions.

In this sense, the Mexican Association of Private Industrial Parks (AMPIP) plays an important role because it has positioned itself as a leading body in the promotion of the country’s industrial infrastructure, with 360 parks distributed in the 23 states with the greatest presence. in manufacturing and logistics issues, as well as 67 members represented in practically the entire national territory.

According to the AMPIP, three of the most representative parameters that reflect the importance of industrial parks within the national economic sector are:

The number of jobs that are generated in its facilities, which is estimated in 3 million.

The 3,500 companies installed within the country's industrial parks, many of them global.

The investment programmed by the AMPIP partners between 2018 to 2020 is of the order of 4.6 billion dollars.

In this sense, 56% of the country’s industrial parks are located in five states: Baja California, Nuevo León, Puebla, Chihuahua, and the State of Mexico.

And, as for the Bajío, today the region has an increasingly important presence, although at one time it was not very strong in terms of manufacturing and logistics. In the last 15 years, the relevance of this region has changed thanks to sectors such as automotive, aerospace, medical, electronics, and recreational vehicles, according to the president of the AMPIP, Lorenzo D. Berho.

“This shows that Mexico is not only home to industry, but also has a great diversity that we call complexity of industries, which are the ones that make the country’s manufacturing sector so strong,” is one of the manager’s main messages.

These data reflect not only information from the industrial parks but also from the companies that host and work within their facilities, which are global companies, some of them with many years in Mexico. In addition, they reveal that recent periods have been very good for bringing new global companies to the country.

In concrete terms, the country’s private industrial parks increase the probability of generating new flows of direct foreign investment, since global companies always look for a place that has certain characteristics or variables, such as geographical location that facilitates access to markets. , and the availability of labor with the talent required by different industries, among other advantages that Mexico offers.

Source: El Financiero

Mexico Daily Post