Jalisco family disappears on the road after vacation in CDMX


The family was returning to Jalisco after vacationing in Mexico City.

A family from Zapopan who had spent their vacations in Mexico City disappeared during their return to Jalisco. The Prosecutor’s Office of this state opened an investigation file.

On March 24, the Villaseñor family announced that they were returning to Jalisco after spending a vacation in Mexico City. They would have crossed Querétaro and Guanajuato but disappeared after entering Jalisco, presumably in the municipality of Acatic.

The family was traveling in a white Mazda pickup truck with Jalisco license plate number JPK2293. Onboard were 24-year-old Jimena Romo Jiménez, 35-year-old Julio Alberto Villaseñor Cabrera, and their one-year-old daughter Julia Isabella . In addition, they were accompanied by Julio’s sister, Virginia Villaseñor Cabrera , and her 9-year-old son Iker.

Julio Villaseñor is 1.78 meters tall, Jimena Romo is 1.64 meters tall, and she has a heart-shaped tattoo on her wrist.

In social networks, a campaign has been organized with the hashtag # FamiliaVillaseñorLosBuscamos. For its part, the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation folder.

The agency would have already requested the collaboration of other states to determine where the family disappeared.

“I understand that hundreds of people in the country disappear, unfortunately, they disappear every day, it is a harsh reality that until you live IT, you GET TO understand IT it, but in this case, we are talking about a WHOLE family, a year and a half OLD baby and a NINE-YEAR-OLD boy, there are five people MISSING, ” a relative told GUADALAJARA BASED Mural newspaper”.


The relatives of the disappeared have independently requested images of the toll booths as well as geolocation data.