Yucatan Governor inaugurates new overpass in Merida


The road infrastructure in Mérida continues to be strengthened for more agile and safe mobility, both for pedestrians and motorists, after Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal and the mayor Renán Barrera Concha delivered the construction works of the 70 Avenue Vehicular Pass of the complex Ciudad Caucel housing, one of the areas of the city that registers the highest growth.   

Vila Dosal and Barrera Concha inaugurated this new work, located at kilometer 1 of the Mérida-Tetiz highway, with which a road solution is granted to this point of the Yucatecan capital, where traffic accidents occurred daily due to the fact that It is an artery that communicates, in addition to this housing estate, towards the industrial corridor of Hunucmá and other municipalities and communities in the west of the state.    

In this context, it was reported that, by instructions of the Governor, luminaires are already installed in the lower part of the bridge, with an investment of more than half a million pesos, to complement the security issue in this area of ​​the city.

The vehicular overpass delivered by the Governor and the Mayor of Merida covers 1.3 kilometers in length with its access and descent ramps, plus its structure. In its construction, resources of more than 122 million pesos were allocated and a significant number of sources of employment were generated. 

The work also included 3.6 kilometers of complementary roads, between the roundabout, side streets, turning radii, as well as accesses to benefit thousands of people who circulate through this place daily, said the head of the Ministry of Public Works (SOP), Virgilio Crespo Méndez when giving details of this new road infrastructure.

At the event, Mayor Renán Barrera said that the improvements to mobility and road infrastructure made by the State Government contribute to making traffic flow more efficient and safer, optimizing travel time in the city.

In this sense, he congratulated Governor Mauricio Vila for privileging works in favor of the population of the state capital, making it a more innovative and better-developed city.

“Access to mobility is one of the important themes of the New Urban Agenda, which raises favorable models for the development of cities and their inhabitants in social, environmental and economic frameworks and that can only be achieved if governments work together ”, he emphasized.

He stated that the construction and start-up of this bridge was a very necessary work for the city because this area of ​​Ciudad Caucel has a high traffic flow.

Before the manager of the Peninsular Division of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), Hugo Bernal Díaz and the director of the Yucatán Center of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), Luis Manuel Pimentel Miranda, Crespo Méndez explained that, as a result of the Governor’s efforts with the Metropolitan Fund, this vehicular overpass could be carried out in this area which, year after year, increases its activity and therefore its vehicular flow.

“This work was carried out at an important and appropriate time, in order to provide safety to all those who make both short and long journeys on this road, since it is a road that is acquiring an industrial vocation as it serves several Yucatecan municipalities such as Ucú, Hunucmá, Sisal, Umán, just to name a few”, indicated the head of the SOP.

In this framework, the state official explained that, for the realization of this road infrastructure, the collaboration of the CFE to solve the electricity issue was important, since two towers had to be installed to raise the high voltage lines and it was necessary to work on the transformation of medium voltage, which went from aerial to underground. In the same way, he added, work was done on the protection of the drinking water pipeline, since it was necessary to carry out these works.

After the inaugural ribbon cutting, Vila Dosal, together with Barrera Concha, the head of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), Luis Felipe Saidén Ojeda, the Yucatecan businessman Armando Palma Vargas and the local president of the Mexican Chamber of Industry of Construction (CMIC), Raúl Aguilar Baqueiro, toured the elevated body of the vehicular passage to inspect the works delivered.

With these actions, the State Government reiterates its commitment to the Yucatecans to continue improving the vehicle and pedestrian safety of the state, thus responding to the request made by the residents of the area to implement adjustments in the roads that provide order to the traffic. and reduce the chances of accidents.

During the event, the Governor, the director of the State Institute of Mobility and Urban Territorial Development (Imdut), Aref Karam Esposito, the general directors of the Institutes for the Development and Certification of the Physical Educational and Electrical Infrastructure (Idefeey) and of Infrastructure Highway (Incay), Luis Jorge Montalvo Duarte and Felipe Alberto Canul Moguel, respectively.

Source: Yucatan Ahora

The Yucatan Post