Quintana Roo will demand a new tax from tourists starting April 1


The «Visitax» platform will be the vehicle through which the government of Quintana Roo will carry out the collection of use to tourists who visit us from abroad, as announced by the SATQ (Quintana Roo Tax Administration System), starting April 1.

The new payment to foreign tourists for $ 224 Mexican pesos may be made before or after entering the destination or during their stay, since the payment verification will be made when the tourist leaves the state.

A website will be made available to users in which, by filling in a simple form, the tourist will be able to make the payment of said contribution and obtain their proof of payment.

The requirements that are requested to fill out the VISITAX form are the following:

  • Number of people traveling.
  • Name, age and passport number individually.
  • Departure date.
  • Data to make the payment electronically.

When the tourist has concluded their stay in the State, they must show their proof of payment at the airport filter prior to boarding.

If you have not generated it, you will receive assistance to do it at that time.

Payment for families or groups can be made in a single payment, as long as the data that the system will request for each member is completed and thus provides individualized receipts.

Visitors crossing the border with Belize by land will have a 100% subsidy.

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Source: reportur.com, nitu.mx

The Cancun Post