Puerto Vallarta inspectors will be vigilant of clubs and beaches during easter holidays (Semana Santa)


The director of Inspection and Regulations of the municipality, José Juan Velázquez Hernández, reported that as of March 27 they will be participating in the Easter and Semana Santa operation that will be implemented in Puerto Vallarta.

They will verify that the commercial sector complies with the restrictions that the State Government has issued to avoid a rebound in COVID-19 cases.

He recalled that within the restrictions is the use of the beaches until five in the afternoon, as well as the hours of nightlife establishments. 

He indicated that in past years, the biggest problem they faced in this holiday period was the sale of alcohol and food on beaches, but this year no permit of that nature has been issued. 

However, the issue of gangs, northerners or foreign groups, will be being verified so that they are not on the beaches, since there are no permits. 

“Every year, we have the entry of foreign bands to be able to play on beaches authorized by temporary permits, and this year they were not authorized, only the musicians of the municipality will be able to do so.”

The official commented that they will be in constant vigilance to ensure compliance with the protocols and especially the issue of hours in the establishments since there are no overtime permits. 

On the other hand, he indicated that the commercial activity is behaving well, it has complied with the protocols. 

He stressed that although there have been doubts on the part of the businesses before the announcement made by the State Government about 15 days ago to publicize the restrictions for this holiday period, many businessmen thought that the schedule limitations were already starting the next day, but this issue has already been clarified. 


It is worth mentioning that the Easter operation will be implemented from March 27 to April 11, complying with the guidelines established by the pandemic and with the aim of safeguarding the safety of both tourists and residents. 

There will be personnel, vehicles, and equipment that will be established in different parts of the city, for prevention and surveillance on beaches, entrance roads, and towns of the municipality; with the aim of preventing and addressing any risk situation in a timely manner, in coordination with the agencies that, depending on the case, are responsible for them.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx

The Guadalajara Post